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Manufacturers and suppliers of high quality arks, houses, field shelters and other customised buildings for a wide range of stock.

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Frogwell Fings
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Frogwell Fings - July 2010

Boss is grinning from ear to ear evidently after five years of fighting him and missus have got PERMANENT permission keep his log home up and live here forever, that wont be long if he doesn’t calm down and enjoy his land. He nearly kissed all of us pigs in his excitement as it is us animals that got him his permission us pigs, the calves,chickens,geese,ducks you name it boss has got it. I am gutted I was really looking forward to December when the Council would have sent in the bulldozers to knock down his home,I would have been kind and moved over a bit so he could share my home - we do love him really. Boss said that if he didn’t finally get this permission he would have sold the whole farm in square foot pieces to gypsys and delivered 100 pigs 20 calves plus all the other stock down to the Cornwall council office for them to look after-BUT it didn’t come to that we are ALL here to stay.

 Animal Arks


Boss gets himself wound up by sometimes going on the river cottage website and where he can he tries to actually help and advise people, the trouble is there is one individual on there who reckons she is an expert, she generally talks some sense but bosses latest run in with her was someone asking advice on how many bacon pigs you can put in an 8ftx6ft ark,boss said easily six and quoted the correct space standards for all sizes of pigs, this woman said three was the maximum so boss made up a quick 8ftx6ft ark put six of the bacon pigs in it and took a picture and posted it on the arc site to prove he was right, the room left was amazing ,it would be a good idea if these people actually kept a quantity of pigs then they wouldn’t misadvise ark customers by selling them arks far to big for the quantity of pigs they are keeping.


Animal Arks


Boss says it isn’t always about quick profits he want his customers to be happy, he is panicking at the moment it is July and steel and timber have rocketed  by over 25% in price since January but he is going to keep his prices down for as long as possible.

He could cut the specification on the arks but he bought a “cheapjack” ark from e-bay in January he put it in with Bert my rival at the other end of pig alley and I often look up and see this flimsy ½ thick plywood ark travelling around the field with Bert inside it, tis only a question of time before he wrecks it he has already  knocked the front rail off.

Animal Arks


Boss said he is going to give it a fair test and he is going to stake it down but he is fed up with playing chase the ark .(Evidently the ebay comment on this ark company was buy cheap-buy twice) Boss never wants a reputation like that.

Boss is taking down my trotterhand at the Royal Welsh Show he is up there with Hayley and Barry selling our arks I am being fed by Matt  I like him feeding us as he cant read the scales and we get really generous portions, boss reckons  us boars cant work if we are overweight but I don’t have a a problem I am a lean mean loving machine and so is one of my sons, boss kept him back with a group of his five sisters boss didn’t move him out quick enough and he has had them all, so this incest has resulted in five litters of Saddlebacks, cant see any with webbed feet though so he has got away with it, one of them had thirteen so does anybody want to buy a PROVEN young pedigree stockbroker saddleback boar raring to go.!

Animal Arks


My son Eric has now been sold to Sally Trumper a renowned Saddle Back Breeder and has gone off to sunny Wales (ha ha) to have his evil way with her stock, together with a couple of bosses super dooper farrowing arks.





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Animal Arks, West Frogwell Farm, Frogwell Road, Callington, Cornwall PL17 7HN Tel: 01579 382743
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